Art From the Heart teaches students that there is no wrong way to do art and that everyone possesses the ability to express themselves through art. In our classes the students are engaged, focused and produce art work that they are proud of. Each year we develop a curriculum that focuses on physical art, appreciation of different cultures, nature and the world around us.
In 2016, we focused on art from around the world. We used our world map and talked about different countries, and they learned about art representative of each region. The students weaved colorful African Kente cloths; they created bird Batiks from India using cloth squares and watercolors to dye their Batiks; they learned dances from Afghanistan and Turkey; they drew their own version of St. Basil Cathedral in Russia using oil pastels, chalk pastels and markers; they created Wycinanki designs (Polish paper cutting) using scissors and bright colored paper; and focusing on nature, the students used Q-tips and earth tone acrylic paints to create their own Aboriginal dot art paintings – just to name a few. The students are always amazed and proud of their artistic abilities.
Award Winner
Each year, we enter artwork produced by the boys at Timothy Murphy School into the Marin County Fair. On average, we enter 30 or more pieces, and we are extremely proud that the boys consistently receive first, second or third place ribbons! Their excitement and sense of accomplishment is unmeasurable and clearly exhibited by the huge smiles when we they are presented with their ribbons.
How to Help
Art From the Heart is a non-profit organization which operates purely on the donations from individuals, businesses, and non- profit organization grants, partnerships and donations. Donations are graciously welcome!

Gene Ptak and Kirk Waller bring stories with valuable lessons to life with their engaging story telling skills.

Connie Zabokrtsky instructed the children on how to work with pastels creating wonderful, colorful cityscapes.

Professional dancer, Tom Mayok, leads the children in various dance routines encouraging them to use their imaginations and enjoy all types of movement.

Children are exposed to a variety of art mediums and generate original art of their very own!

Drummers Gabe Harris, Ken Doumbia and Wade Peterson have taught the children different rhythms and songs of the African culture. Professional dancers, Naby Bangoura and Kim Agnew have introduced the children to authentic African dances.

Students make their own costumes and learn skits, songs, and dances to perform in a musical production of their very own for family and friends.